Thursday, December 24, 2020

Life between the lakes, part 9


We woke to a strong north wind this morning along with a new dusting of snow. All day long maverick snow squalls moved across the frozen lake, like tumbleweeds in the Wild West. The sky was muted by clouds most of the afternoon but briefly opened up revealing this patch of sun and blue sky.


Even the slightest cover of new snow is like Mother Nature pushing a reset button as it erases the old animal tracks and makes the new ones more prevalent.


Earlier this week we saw what I believe was a Coywolf; a mix of coyote and wolf. He was about 20 yards down the road and I got a good look at him for about 10 seconds. Needa made eye contact, growled, and then he trotted off into the woods.


The wind has died down and a light snow is falling right now. It is gathering in the trees, like a Currier and Ives Christmas card. The dogs have been walked and fed and are enjoying their food coma in our warm, cozy slice of heaven.


Merry Christmas everyone.

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